Friday 20 November 2015


At around week 36, of pregnancy, that's the last trimester, you start getting goosebumps. Questions like these pop up. Will my water break in public? Will the labor pains catch up with me while in the bus? What if contractions come in at any time? What if I don't make it to hospital? Can I deliver safely at home? What if I do not experience any of these?

I have been here, I had no idea what I should pack or what I should leave out. But I knew I would stay in the hospital for three days. It was automatic that I needed like four or more pairs of baby clothes. And diapers, more diapers.

I am going to list what one needs in the hospital during the three-day stay at hospital.
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Cell Phone and Charger: This is the ultimate deal, because when your little bundle of joy arrives, you will need to break the news. You will need to share images of your brand new bouncing baby.
Have list of people your husband or someone close that brought you to the hospital for delivery should call, text, or email after your baby is born.

Slippers: Some hospitals provide slippers, basin and other toiletries, but, to be on the safe side, bring them along with you. They may come in handy if your feet are too swollen to fit into shoes.
Also, socks come in handy. Nights and mornings can be chilly.

Night gown and Underwear: Several pairs of undies are a must. And a cotton nightie will be much more comfortable than a hospital gown.

Hair Care Products: If you have natural hair or braided hair, you need clips and hairbands to help keep it in good position during labor. You will need olive oil or coconut oil (any oil of your choice) to keep it nourished.

Your Homecoming Outfit : You need a nice loose-fitting outfit that will make you feel comfortable. Remember your belly will still be round. Wearing a tight trouser or dress is quite not good.

Important Documents: Bring copies of your birth plan should come in handy, health insurance card, and hospital registration forms. Even if you've already registered at the hospital, some hospitals need to confirm your records before they can admit you.

Note book: Take notes on how cute you will write about your baby. Write about the hospital. Its warm nurses and everything good about your belly. You can even measure your belly and see the difference after the baby is out.

Some bit of distraction: Labor pains are real. They are bothersome. So bring along a book or an iPod. Get some relaxing music? Yes.

Nursing Supplies: Bring breast pads to absorb leaks, lanolin cream, nursing tank tops and bras, cooling gel pads, and a nursing pillow.

Toiletries: Deodorant, body wash, shampoo, face wash, lip balm, maternity pads and moisturizer are necessities. Witch Hazel pads can help relieve soreness after you give birth.

Snacks and Candy: Keep everyone happy by bringing enough snacks for you and your partner to share. Lollipops, chewing gum,  are especially great for conquering dry mouth during labor.

Soft Pillow: The pillows in the hospitals may be uncomfortable, and bringing one you're familiar with may help you to relax.

Takeout Menus: Hospital food isn't the greatest. Your hospital companion can order your favourite foods from outside.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste:  Your first photo ought to be great. Flaunt that set of dentals.
Watch: This will help you time your contractions and give you a heads up when the next one's near.


Homecoming Outfit for Baby, Receiving blanket, Warm clothing, Baby socks, Diapers,
Baby hats (especially during cold weather), Baby Wipes.


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